Monday, January 7, 2013

The Fact of Existance

Last few days upto the New Years the papers were full of news on Murder, Rape, Injustice, War, Calamities... it becomes very difficult to give 'Baba' or Hallucinatory'' Talks... Karisa have you been Sm*king... Well! no!

Like others, I can post news clips or join and sign petitions and stand and hold candles in the Vigil... There is so much I want to do but I am far away from the situation... and the moment. 

All I can do is Prayer my small prayer and hold on to the ever lasting Hope of a Change in this World.
{Imagine this the time there are people shedding tears for a lose of a loved one... there are others shedding tears for the birth of some} 

Just a few days ago I came across a blog last night called The Lost Art of Self Preservation (for Women). In a sidebar statement, the writer (Grerp), a librarian and stay-at-home-mom writes:

"The Truth: Life isn't fair. Being alive doesn't entitle you to anything. Women are ensuring their own downfall with their selfish behavior and short-term outlook. Men are bigger than women, stronger than women, and more violent than women. For the past half century our legal system has acted outside their interest, and men have taken the vast share of economic hits in this most recent recession. A backlash is coming. The pendelum is starting to swing back. What are you going to do to prepare for it?"

I found this negative and  overly demeaning... While all have taken the toll of recession in our day to day life... and most particularly when I read about the comments given by prominent members of the political parties or Self acclaimed God Men!  There is only one thought that jumps to my mind ..while the world is progressing forwards i think some sections from my side of town where hidden in a world hole and it just skipped a few generations the amount of illiterate, unjustified, over the top and plain 'Are you Stupid' and "what the H*ll escaped from your mouth'.

I think we are programmed to self -preserve since birth... its contradicting sometimes... we are taught that Hatred and injustice is caused by difference in religion or color or caste and silently we ignore that as a girl you are dependent and you cannot live on! and be yourself! not to sound feminist but can you as a women walk free in the middle of the night? no! can you wear shorts just cause you want them to? or should you think twice as to what picture are you protraying and are you going to attract unwanted attention to your self? 

So say this is western influence. I say if I was Eve and had a choice of wear Red! leaf to cover myself than the usual green to look and feel good. rather than just so that ADAM can notice me... then Adam can go F*ck himself! 

I am not Blaming anybody MEN or WOMEN. 


We are all to blame for our own mistakes. You made your bed now lie in it. RAPE! Murder! is Wrong. You did it You pay for it!  

This is where our system comes into picture while we are now vigorously working on new rules and fast track what not. These are welcomed, a society is ever evolving and I for one am all for giving it a chance and raising my hand up! if it pinches me. 

In my country our culture is founded on oppression and especially for women  majority of them come from a patriarchal society where ... we are numb to what is being said or done. but now I see an awakening thank you to social media... this brings to light all the thing that have been sitting comfortably in the closet... all the mouths that have been shut seal due to hopelessness... its better to raise your hand now and shout help! than wait till the waves runth over and this phase is over.

Time Flies... and in this age and time people get bored and move on... from I gotta feeling to gimme everything tonight and landing on Gangnum Style... Stupid! Stupider! to Stupidiest!

Welcome 2013

I learned much about attachment and aversion, excitement to highest high and lowest low and how everything is perfect, things happen for a reason, the universe imposes some beautiful order on our existence. 

I held all these beliefs before, but now I look at them differently, more clearly than I did previously. I've found that to be true of many things in my life: through many eyes I can see how hopelessly and bitterly hatred shaped my world, how love could change everything. How it does change everything. How I can change my everything through love and open mind.

Circle of Life. 

Sadly, we are not born with manuals then how technical life would be! but we make our life as we go.. with the choices we make and the path be create for ourselves some out of clear focus and choice and some just happen.

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