Monday, May 5, 2014

Rise and Fall of Happy

Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?

That's a line from the F. Capra's movie

Have you ever wonder how would it look life if you was never... ?

Or if you had never... ?

Life is made of rise and fall and no matter how deep you fall, it's not just about yourself.

I think that our value in this world can be expressed only in relations to what we are to others.

Do you think I am a happy person? Yes I do.

Do you think I have always been like this? Unfortunately for me, no I didn't.

You may be in a hard phase of your life and believe me, I had some tough situations happening, too.

If you think that you're unhappy and the others are happy, you're wrong.

No one gets what he has for free. This applies both ways. All the shit it happens is there for some reason.

If you're hard enough to survive, keeping your integrity, you may exit from the fire hardened in spirit.

Who can manage to stay him/herself in joy and in sorrow aren't likely to be bad people.

Who can love him/herself no matter it happens, either in good or bad fortune, can love the others and be loved for what they are.

We're all born pure and innocent, but we come to the world and first we get is slapping. We are told from the beginning what it will look later...

So it's in our hands how we stand this war, if we start throwing grenades back to the enemies, of we dig our own hole, or we start killing weaker brothers in arms.

The choice is yours. And it's not univoque. We need to adapt as the battlefield changes and different strategies might be needed to survive. You only have to clearly see your target and get there.

What I am trying to say with those metaphors is that you have to choose carefully your path, there are easy ways and hard ways. No one can really tell you what is right and what is wrong, you do your choices and they can be good or bad for you. But also for others.

We don't live in segregated worlds, our boundaries are intersecating with others' in a continuos interaction.

Once I've heard: my liberty ends where the liberty of someone else begins.

To me this simple statement could be the one and only law to have in mind and live forever without fear. Happy.

So when you consider doing every kind of action, please try to think to the consequence it could have to you, but also to your family, friends, nature and yes, also on the random guy in the alley.

You may never know what you can potentially start, in positive and negative terms.

Our life can truly change the lives of the others.

(Words Credit to Profile of L.R - Kickass Torrent)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Surprise me Not! ...umm Yes Please

Yesterday, out of the blue, I thought I would get dinner ready nothing elaborate steamed veggies and chilly-fry.

It was a simple gesture...

but it reminded me how any moment has the potential to surprise us into a bigger vision of life.

How our minds cannot foreseen the future and yet we have this one eye on the future... not body wants to foreseen unfortunate events whether  like it or not stuff does happen and its such a Human thing for us to keep redefining ourselves and our relationships with the people around us.

We are often surprised by pain and adversity as much as by pleasure. We can never be prepared for everything. We cannot anticipate the startling or the stunning that the very next hour might bring, much less control it.

In fact, trying to stay safe, to maintain the status quo, goes against the very nature of life itself.
It's just another way to wall ourselves in. Instead, we can only reflect on how we might respond if the unforeseen rolls in on us swifter and with more force than a wave crashing onto the shore.

When dealing with the gift of surprise (Good or Bad or unwelcomed), the key is to maintain the belief that no matter what, all is well. Good or bad, all is well. The beach doesn't resist the ocean, and neither should we resist what we cannot control.

Life is dynamic and love is surprising. So Keep Meditating. Be. Awesome.

Thank goodness for that, because growth lurks in the unexpected.