Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Its a Sacrifice

Lesson for Today Learn to sacrifice...

Most often people walk out of your life because its easier to do that then take courage have faith and work things out they hide behind oh! its practical no!

I hate being lied to... i rather sob.. and finish a box of tissues and end up listening to sob songs rather than being lied to! thinks...well people lie because its easier than to tell the truth its sad that they don't even try since its not easy to lower their pride

People don't know how to sacrifice... people profess their love through words... yes..why do relationships fail... because words,words stupid poetry and verses, dialogue from movies..have built this expectation that oh! everyone is now a master of impeccable dictions and and knowledge of everything love... i was born with the don juan gene so i can flatter everything that beautiful..what happened to the good old days of hand written cards, flowers and yes mix-tapes... we are so conditioned to think its so lame and close psycho behavior.... so we use words... emails,forwards,BBM;s .... because its easier than showing their love in actions..

I know that sometimes it can be hard to know if you are making a healthy sacrifice in a relationship or settling for something you shouldn’t.  Everyone has differences and every relationship requires sacrifice.  

It is good to know yourself to figure out whether you can make a change in yourself to make the relationship better or whether you should look for someone who doesn’t need you to change.
so all you silly romantics... like me.. who love sappy love songs and still go oohh at chessy words and believe in flowers and romantic walks ... may the power of love be yours....

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