Friday, September 20, 2013

Let. There. Be. Faith.

In life, oftentimes we are waiting for something; waiting for a dream to come to pass, waiting to meet the right person, waiting for a problem to turn around. When things aren’t happening as fast as we would like, it’s easy to get frustrated. 

But you have to realize that the moment you prayed,God/universe/the divine (whatever mighty power you believe in has established a set time to bring the promise to pass.

There is always a set time for your opportunity. 
There is a set time for that problem to turn around, a set time for your healing, your promotion, your breakthrough. 

It may be tomorrow, or next week, or five years from now. But when you understand the time has already been set, it takes all the pressure off. 

You won’t live worried, wondering when this is ever going to happen. 

You’ll relax and enjoy your life knowing that the promise has already been scheduled and your answer is on the way!

Affirmation for today:

I choose to trust in the right timing. I trust that this life has my best in mind. I believe that It is working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for all the blessing I already have and for ordering my steps in the future and leading me in the life of blessing that is in store for me. Amen.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


"Light shines in the darkness for the godly…" (Psalms 112:4a, NLT)

Everyone goes through times in life that seem dark or heavy. You may be going through something right now, and you don’t see how it could ever work out. You don’t have the funds. The problems look insurmountable. But if you will stay breakthrough–minded and focused on what God can do, His Word promises that the light will come bursting in. Notice, it’s not going to trickle in. It’s not going to barely get there. No, like a flood, like the breaking forth of waters, it will come bursting in. That means, suddenly, things will change in your favor.

When things seem dark, don’t start complaining. Don’t get negative and sour. Remember, God likes to do things suddenly. Keep reminding yourself that the light is about to come bursting in! It may be today, may be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. But know this: your breakthrough is on the way!