Sunday, October 9, 2011


Though it may sound simple, Ajahn Chah’s advice speaks volumes:
  "If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go alot, you will have a lot of peace"

Our brain is marvelous piece of technology! yes I call it so coz nothing and noone has been able to recreate what god has so uniquely made for FREE!!

Why I say this..? I have been emotionally drained and yet I feel a unsaid hope a feeling I cannot explain that tells me to smile without any reason and look at the lighter side of life, sometimes i think is it my belief in a supernatural power? or just the way I have been brought up i.e. to look at life as half full.

Often we replay past mistakes over and over again in our head, allowing feelings of shame or regret to take shape in our actions in the present.

The last 2 years have been very eventful for me, from losing my job, good friends, lovers and what not..but most of all my mother. I considered myself to be a very emotionally damaged person or somebody who would push or procrastinate feeling by saying for now this goes to my basement and I will deal with it later..

But the most amazing thing about this is that LIFE just kept revealing to me the side of me that I was never aware of... that is; we often cling to frustrations and worry about the future... I wondered how would I look after my mom how will I manage the sick leaves I took from work and yes the loan, the credit cards the rent...oh god how I pay it off. and I wasn't alone in all this know what on one hand the person closest to me understood that I was going down the road to emotional and physical roller coaster there were others who just didn't bother.

I don't want to name names but there were unsung heroes in my life that made me feel much better than what i felt at that moment... you know when your spirit is weak all weird thoughts come into your head ... but at the same time my life took a uncluttered mode.. fake friends just fell off! poof gone.. and true ones just got stronger.

I am a simpleton at heart really am... I cant take hints and even if I give out a strong exterior I am sensitive and easily offended.. in the age of technology its easy to keep in touch with people... but most often we take people for granted... especially our family... when was the last time I said hello to an estranged or distant cousin...haha yes! yes! practice what you preach did i mention I was emotionally damages that included tell someone you love you true feeling... i'd rather sit next to you or buy you a gift or even patiently wait for you to come to meet me or my favorite I always burn a music CD for the ones I love rather than say it..

well enough for now more when I feel I should pour out... all the gibberish in my head..

take cre

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