Thursday, March 1, 2012

Forgive them even if they are not sorry.

"Forgive them even if they are not sorry."

When you are able to forgive others, even if they are unapologetic for the wrongs that they have committed against you, only then will your mind truly be free. Those who are willing to hold grudges against those who trespass against them are only doing their own selves a disservice. Being unforgiving to someone doesn't benefit any person at all. It causes pain to be experienced over and over again that just doesn't need to be thought about on such a high level.

Being unforgiving also tends to distort a person's viewpoint on life as a whole. Instead of being able to take risks, and see opportunities for what they really are, those who are unforgiving take less risks, and only see what life is from their own point of view, since they are less willing to trust in others and their experiences. So forgive, forgive when they apologize, and when they are not sorry, doing so will free your soul, and let you live to reach your greatest potential.

There are blessings hidden in misfortunes, hidden in curses,my inauthenticity became my guilt..then i remembered that even poisons can be used as medicine and tehy can become life-enhancing..

I felt guilty, and tried to see why I was feeling guilty. Yes, felt helpless. Right! And my actions made me feel ignorant -- In my ignorance I have done many things which were not as they should be -- that, too, is right.

So I acccept this helplessness, this ignorance, and pray. Let your tears come down, confess, repent, say to God/ or anyone / or some higher power, "I was helpless, I was ignorant, and I could not do better. And I still cannot do better, unless you help.

As I am, I will again go wrong. As I am, I will again betray you. I cannot rely on myself. Help me. Only your grace can save me."

so would i forgive if I was wronged? cause I am weak and i'd feel bad after looking at the effort they made to ask forgiveness or would i forgive when i would know that people make mistakes...I know every thing happens for a reason... but lately have no reason why it happened the way it happened... man! sometimes i think my world would have been a happier place if i practiced a little bit of psychology i studied in college... but come to think of it...

Am I the kind of person who loves playing mind games no! in the whirlwind of what was going on i felt like i was facing a multiple choice question and the choices were confusing ... the question was pretty straight forward... all i know is that ... i wish ... after knowing how I made that person feel bad and they will know in their heart to make things up... coz i am not someone who is very very good with the word sorry ... i truly feel it! so Forgive me for my mistakes, i am still a kid learning the responsibility of being an adult

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