Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I am lost..??!!? or Found..?

Am I lost? or have I found myself in the bargain...? I really dnt know... . .

Then i get to thinking do we or do i do or act on the basis off award or punishment... what is the driving force behind my exisistance... Why do i base myself worth or understanding on these images in my head...!?!.... it is important to understand, not intellectually but actually in your daily life, how you have built images about your wife, your husband, your neighbor, your child, your country, your leaders, your politicians, your gods--you have nothing but images....

So what is my belief! My principals or am i just running around in circles or following some else...?
I am not denying God - it would be foolish to do so....Belief is a denial of truth, belief hinders truth; to believe in God is not to find God...

...There are many people who believe; millions believe in God and take consolation. First of all, why do we believe? we believe because it gives us satisfaction, consolation, hope, and it gives significance to life....
So when we are lost we find that we have lost permanance... And what is it that we call permanent? What is it that we are seeking, which will, or which we hope will give us permanency?
Are we not seeking lasting happiness, lasting gratification, lasting certainty?
We want something that will endure everlastingly, which will gratify us. If we strip ourselves of all the words and phrases, and actually look at it, this is what we want.

We want permanent pleasure, permanent gratification - which we call truth, God or what you will. ....

With the rumours of end of the world at hand... will it effect out so called principals and urge us to make the 11th hour decision to convert for the last minute save by the saviour... :) Who knows... yep ! God !

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