Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Everyone wants to be in love!

Everyone wants to be in love!

Everyday people wander in an out of my life and in course of time ....their lives reveal what leads the cogs of my thought process.... its amazing to see how many of us seek love and benefits that we hope it will bring to our lives..... or how much of love we are lacking.

After a bit of observation and a great deal of experience it seems to me that person has to know for sure what they want, rather than who they want.

They need to know the qualities they want in another....

...To me high on that list is goodness:

It is a great quality to insist upon in a loved one...I don't know how many people think of this, but it is extremely important...It covers a whole group of things like kindness, truthfulness, politeness, graciousness, unselfishness, generosity, and wholesomeness.

'To be good is more than following the rules.' It is a sincere and essential quality of the heart.' It lasts.so for now .... I THINK OUT LOUD - Not everyone is in love, as we think of it....That is, in love with another.... But it is possible to be in love with the idea of being in love and stay there until that loved one shows up. ;D

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