Sunday, October 9, 2011


Though it may sound simple, Ajahn Chah’s advice speaks volumes:
  "If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go alot, you will have a lot of peace"

Our brain is marvelous piece of technology! yes I call it so coz nothing and noone has been able to recreate what god has so uniquely made for FREE!!

Why I say this..? I have been emotionally drained and yet I feel a unsaid hope a feeling I cannot explain that tells me to smile without any reason and look at the lighter side of life, sometimes i think is it my belief in a supernatural power? or just the way I have been brought up i.e. to look at life as half full.

Often we replay past mistakes over and over again in our head, allowing feelings of shame or regret to take shape in our actions in the present.

The last 2 years have been very eventful for me, from losing my job, good friends, lovers and what not..but most of all my mother. I considered myself to be a very emotionally damaged person or somebody who would push or procrastinate feeling by saying for now this goes to my basement and I will deal with it later..

But the most amazing thing about this is that LIFE just kept revealing to me the side of me that I was never aware of... that is; we often cling to frustrations and worry about the future... I wondered how would I look after my mom how will I manage the sick leaves I took from work and yes the loan, the credit cards the rent...oh god how I pay it off. and I wasn't alone in all this know what on one hand the person closest to me understood that I was going down the road to emotional and physical roller coaster there were others who just didn't bother.

I don't want to name names but there were unsung heroes in my life that made me feel much better than what i felt at that moment... you know when your spirit is weak all weird thoughts come into your head ... but at the same time my life took a uncluttered mode.. fake friends just fell off! poof gone.. and true ones just got stronger.

I am a simpleton at heart really am... I cant take hints and even if I give out a strong exterior I am sensitive and easily offended.. in the age of technology its easy to keep in touch with people... but most often we take people for granted... especially our family... when was the last time I said hello to an estranged or distant cousin...haha yes! yes! practice what you preach did i mention I was emotionally damages that included tell someone you love you true feeling... i'd rather sit next to you or buy you a gift or even patiently wait for you to come to meet me or my favorite I always burn a music CD for the ones I love rather than say it..

well enough for now more when I feel I should pour out... all the gibberish in my head..

take cre

Monday, September 5, 2011

Worthy or Not

People ordinarily think that forgiveness is for those who are worthy of it, who deserve it. But if somebody deserves, is worthy of forgiveness, it is not much of a forgiveness. You are not doing anything on your part; he deserves it. You are not really being love and compassion. Your forgiveness will be authentic only when even those who don't deserve it receive it.

It is not a question of whether a person is worthy or not.

The question is whether your heart is ready or not.

I can forgive the whole world for the simple reason that my forgiveness is absolute; it is nonjudgmental.

I will tell you a small Tibetan story which will make the point absolutely clear to you.

A great old master, worshiped by millions of people, refused to initiate anyone into disciplehood. His whole life, consistently, he was asked by kings, he was asked by very rich people, he was asked by great ascetics, saints, to be initiated as his disciples, and he went on refusing. He would always say, "Unless I find a man who deserves it, unless I find a man who is worthy of it...I am not going to initiate any Tom, Dick, Harry."

He had a small young boy who used to cook food for him, wash his clothes, fetch vegetables from the market. The boy himself had become slowly, slowly old and for his whole life he had been listening to the old man, who had lived almost one hundred years, and without exception the denial: nobody is worthy! "I will die," he said, "without initiating anyone, but I will not initiate anyone who is nondeserving."

People became tired, frustrated. They loved the man, the man had immense qualities, but they could not understand his very stubborn attitude — no kindness, no compassion.

But one morning the old man woke up his companion, who himself had become old, and said to him, "Run immediately down the hills to the marketplace and tell everybody that whoever wants to be initiated must come soon, because this evening as the sun sets I am going to die."

His companion said, "But what about worthiness? I don't know who is worthy and who is not worthy. Who have I to bring?"

The old man said, "Don't worry at all. It was only a device, because I myself was not worthy to initiate anyone, but it was against my dignity to say so. So I chose the other way round.

I was saying, 'Unless I find somebody worthy enough, deserving enough, I am not going to initiate.' The truth is, I was not worthy to be a master. Now I am, but the time is very short. Only this morning as the sun was rising, my own consciousness has also risen to the ultimate peak. Now I am ready. Now it does not matter who is worthy and who is unworthy. What matters now is that I am worthy.

Just go and fetch anybody! Just go and make the whole village aware that this is the last day of my life, and anybody who wants to be initiated should come immediately. Bring as many people as you can."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Simple Plan

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

No you don't know what it's like,When nothing feels all right,You don't know what it's like
To be like me!

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Things to do to be happy in the next 90 mins

There are mornings when we rush out of bed in a vague fog. Days that seem to spiral progressively down the drain.

But sometimes, all we need to do is stop.And firmly smash that notion... 'I got out of the wrong side of the bed!

I can start by being 'Grumpy' or... Take a breath. And re-discover ourselves in the moment...with little things, like taking a walk outside, doing a good deed, ridding yourself of a nagging task, or even just acting happy can radically transform our moods, boost morale, and energize us for the rest of the day.

There are days when its all SNAFU (State Normal - All F@#$ked Up!)... like... pretend to be happy! sounds so blah... but .. all the books that i have read and advice i have heard these old tales do hold water... 'Thinking'' happy does get you out of your funk!

I just hope my thinking happy help! me too ...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I am lost..??!!? or Found..?

Am I lost? or have I found myself in the bargain...? I really dnt know... . .

Then i get to thinking do we or do i do or act on the basis off award or punishment... what is the driving force behind my exisistance... Why do i base myself worth or understanding on these images in my head...!?!.... it is important to understand, not intellectually but actually in your daily life, how you have built images about your wife, your husband, your neighbor, your child, your country, your leaders, your politicians, your gods--you have nothing but images....

So what is my belief! My principals or am i just running around in circles or following some else...?
I am not denying God - it would be foolish to do so....Belief is a denial of truth, belief hinders truth; to believe in God is not to find God...

...There are many people who believe; millions believe in God and take consolation. First of all, why do we believe? we believe because it gives us satisfaction, consolation, hope, and it gives significance to life....
So when we are lost we find that we have lost permanance... And what is it that we call permanent? What is it that we are seeking, which will, or which we hope will give us permanency?
Are we not seeking lasting happiness, lasting gratification, lasting certainty?
We want something that will endure everlastingly, which will gratify us. If we strip ourselves of all the words and phrases, and actually look at it, this is what we want.

We want permanent pleasure, permanent gratification - which we call truth, God or what you will. ....

With the rumours of end of the world at hand... will it effect out so called principals and urge us to make the 11th hour decision to convert for the last minute save by the saviour... :) Who knows... yep ! God !

Everyone wants to be in love!

Everyone wants to be in love!

Everyday people wander in an out of my life and in course of time ....their lives reveal what leads the cogs of my thought process.... its amazing to see how many of us seek love and benefits that we hope it will bring to our lives..... or how much of love we are lacking.

After a bit of observation and a great deal of experience it seems to me that person has to know for sure what they want, rather than who they want.

They need to know the qualities they want in another....

...To me high on that list is goodness:

It is a great quality to insist upon in a loved one...I don't know how many people think of this, but it is extremely important...It covers a whole group of things like kindness, truthfulness, politeness, graciousness, unselfishness, generosity, and wholesomeness.

'To be good is more than following the rules.' It is a sincere and essential quality of the heart.' It for now .... I THINK OUT LOUD - Not everyone is in love, as we think of it....That is, in love with another.... But it is possible to be in love with the idea of being in love and stay there until that loved one shows up. ;D